If you are attempting to keep up with the most recent vaccination schedule, Dr. Wehmeyer recommends waiting a bit longer for your next jab if you are due for a booster soon.
The education industry is not the only workplace that has embraced and/or explored the possibility of 4 day work weeks as many in fields like the Austin tech industry have already adopted less rigid schedules than what the nine to fives offers.
I would not be surprised if this is the first step in converting all of the current Fike's assets into essentially being the anchor for all future growth.
As tragic as the loss of any life is, the scary take away from this story is that the killer or killers of these two victims are still on the loose right now in Central Texas.
The project will begin at 10, and the impact you make will last for generations to come as Cpl McGhghy and his wife Cortney will raise their three children here.