Look out Texas, there is a massive recall on a very popular medicine that you likely have in your cabinet that has been tainted with a microbial contamination. This is definitely something you do not take lightly as exposure can easily become fatal from a fungemia or disseminated fungal infection.

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What popular medicine is being recalled in Texas for microbial infection?


The FDA wants you to get rid of Robitussin Honey CF Max Adult Daytime in the 4 and 8oz. size, and the nighttime Robitussin Honey CF Max Adult in the 8oz. The FDA warns that the microbial contamination is incredibly dangerous and even fatal for immunocompromised people, and who takes cold and flu medicine other than the immunocompromised?

How do you know if your Texas medicine cabinet has the tainted Robitussin?


You need to check the back of the bottle for the lot number, and make sure it is not listed here.

When you are searching for this medicine, you should also take this time to purge any other expired medications because as the products age, their effectiveness not only diminishes, but their risk of contamination increases.

What should you do if you have the recalled Robitussin in your Texas home?

Haleon, the maker of Robitussin, released this info,

"Please call our Consumer Relations team at +1-800-245-1040 (Monday through Friday 8 AM to 6 PM Eastern Time) or reach out via email to mystory.us@haleon.com."

As always, if you find yourself experience symptoms, contact your primary care physician immediately.

FDA Food Recalls for January 2024

Gallery Credit: Reesha Cosby

LOOK: The 10 largest product recalls of the last decade

Estey & Bomberger, LLP compiled a list of the top 10 product recalls since 2007, ranked based on the number of product units recalled in the U.S.

Gallery Credit: Beth Mowbray

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