Driving around in Central Texas during the holiday season you're bound to see a cedar tree or two decked out with Christmas decorations.

Loop 360 in Austin around the Pennypacker bridge is always a forest of Christmas cheer. I look forward to seeing it every year, but there may be an issue or two with this age-old tradition.

Talking with my sister, Noble, yesterday she has a very different view of the cedar decor. As she smartly pointed out, it's basically littering and reminded me you "don't mess with Texas".

I totally agree littering is the worst, I'll be a Karen and call you out for disrespecting the Lone Star State in such a manner. So I said what about the thoughtful folks who take the decorations down after the season? She pointed out that a strong wind could knock everything off and make a mess at any time. Good point.

So what's the answer? I want to find some sort of middle ground because I'm a big ole kid for Christmas, but I wouldn't dare mess with Texas.

Be responsible, plan to clean up after yourself and secure your decor well.

Do you love a cedar Christmassy forest or not? Let us know and if you have a solution to the dilemma.


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