If you recall, earlier this month, Derrion Vance, his son, and Maleah Davis were reportedly on the way to the airport to pick up Maleah's mom when he pulled over to investigate a sound coming from his car.

He told police that while pulled over two Latino men in a blue pickup truck, one complemented Maleah and the other one hit him in the head. When he regained consciousness hours later, his son was in his arms and Maleah was gone.

When this report was made public I had skeptical thoughts about it and it seemed like the police and I were on the same wavelength.

Multiple developments have come out since Maleah was reported missing most coming from video surveillance.

-Video camera footage released showed Vance being dropped off at the hospital in the vehicle he drove. His initial story was that he walked to the hospital with his son.

-There was also footage of Vance leaving his apartment a day before Maleah was reported missing leaving his apartment with multiple bottles of bleach and a laundry basket.

-Her biological father went to visit Maleah Friday night and was denied access by Vance.

-Police also found blood in the apartment that matched Malea's DNA.

FOX 26 in Houston reports there has since been a reward offered from a couple from Lake Charles Louisiana of $10,000 in addition to the $5,000 that Crimestoppers is offering for information leading to finding her.

Police Chief Art Acevedo stated in a press conference:

“We really believe we have a little girl that’s been murdered. We believe that she’s out there somewhere, and we want to bring her home," “She deserves to be found,” “She deserves to be recovered. She deserves to have a proper burial. We need the community's help. We need people not to forget. This is not a cat that someone buried in their backyard.”



If you have any information call CRIMESTOPPERS AT 713-222-TIPS or www.crime-stoppers.org
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